Mission Complete

Well that's it folks.
After two-hundred and twenty-six podcast episodes, give or take some bonus episodes,
One hundred and thirty five bonus scenes,
One hundred live performances,
And across ten years,
The USS Sisyphus's journeys are over.
Thanks to all who listened, made title suggestions, told their friends about the show, or came to a live performance. Thanks also to great guest performers we’ve had over the years, on the podcast and in the live shows. Thanks to the iO Theater, the Chicago Podcast Co-op, Cards Against Humanity, and the various theaters and festivals that have hosted us over the years. Thanks to the friends and family who cheered us on. You all of you kept the Sisyphus flying.
You can hear our final podcast episode here.
And you can listen to the casts reminiscing about IST immediately following that episode here in Parts One , Two, & Three.
You can watch a video of our last live performance here,
and read details of our Listening/Wrap Party here.
On behalf of all the cast and production team, Live Long & Prosper