See us at C2E2 Sat 23rd 2019!

Improvised Star Trek is thrilled to once again be performing at the Chicago Comic & Entertainment Expo (C2E2 to its friends) on the Cards Against Humanity Comedy Stage. We'll be taking the stage 6pm on Saturday 23rd, and all you need to get in is your C2E2 badge! Check out a live performance of Improvised Star Trek and stick around to see get a second dose of improv when IST cast join in the fun of the Cards Against Humanity Late Night Writers Room!
You can also swing by any time to see other great acts like:
Barrel of Monkey
Clickhole: LIVE!
Dungeons & Dice & Everything Nice
You can read see the whole schedule here:
UPDATE: Thanks to all who came out to the show, for our episode Three Long Days. You can listen and see pictures from the performance here