The Vulcan Goodbye

If you've listened to Episode 171: Gone Farr, you'll know that the USS Sisyphus has bid its resident Vulcan counselor Live Long and Prosper.
Eleanor Hollingsworth first joined us as a guest at the 2015 Chicago Nerd Comedy Fest. You can watch that performance here for $5(though please note that money does not go to Improvised Star Trek nor to the Chicago Nerd Comedy Fest). She joined the permanent cast as part of our winter 2015 live run iO Chicago, and soon brought her skills to the podcast as the USS Sisyphus's new Counselor, an emotional challenge that only a Vulcan could tackle.
Eleanor was a joy to improvise with, finding new takes on long-running jokes & characters while keeping a straighter face than could be asked of anyone. But like so many Sisyphus counselors before her, Eleanor has headed to Denver. We miss her dearly, wish her the best, and have an open mic for her anytime she find herself back in Chicago.
Here are some of our favorite Rayvek/Eleanor episodes. Listen and remember the logical times:
Weeping with the Enemy - Rayvek's introduction to podcast listeners
Some Dissembling Required
The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Science
A Mind Forever Chained
If You Can't Beat 'Em, Bajoran 'Em!
Stop in the Name of the Love King!
Constantly on the Moon Like a Shark
The Wolf Who Cried Boy
Only the Broken
The Skeleton Was Inside You All Along
Taco Doomsday
Gone Farr